Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian Puts Up Halloween Decorations For Travis Barker

Kourtney Kardashian Barker is excited for Halloween!

The reality show star got her Halloween decorations ready early and shared photos on Instagram. Kardashian decorated early to surprise husband Travis Barker.

She shared a photo of steps and hallways lined with white pumpkins, and another IG photo showed a spooky-looking painting on the wall, with a bloody pumpkin and a kneeling black skeleton.

Kardashian shared a video of her spooky dining area with a skeleton family, white and black skulls, skeleton hands, stuffed crows, and melted candles were placed in the center. 

The focus of the dining area included a fake head in a glass jar. In a final photo, Kardashian’s pregnant silhouette was seen standing at the top of the pumpkin-lined stone steps. She added a white baby with a drum emoji to her image. 

Is Halloween your favorite holiday?

How do you celebrate the spooky season?


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